This project focuses on image morphing, where the shape and color of one image are transformed into another. The project is divided into four main parts:
Morphing combines image warping (changing the shape) and cross-dissolving (changing the color). The simplest method for cross-dissolving is the weighted average method: I(t) = (1-a(t))xI1 + a(t)xI2, where I(t) is the output image at time t and I1 and I2 are the source and target images, respectively. The weight a(t) ranges from 0 to 1, such that when a(t) = 0, the output is the source image, and when a(t) = 1 , it is the target image.
The limitation of this method is that it only computes pixel values without considering the underlying semantics of the image, such as the structure or meaning of objects. Therefore, to improve results, we first need to find corresponding pixels in both images that share similar semantics.
Given a pair of pixels/points (called correspondence) (p1,p2) that share similar sematics, but likely have different coordinates, the weighted average point is computed as p(t) = (1-a(t))xp1+a(t)xp2. Using this approach, we can compute a set of "weighted-average" correspondences from two sets of corresponding points.
We can compute the trajectory of all correspondence points (keypoints), but we still need to handle the other pixels/points. One way to do this is by creating a triangular mesh using the keypoints to cover the entire image.
The triangle mesh will depends on the keypoints coordinate the triangulatino algorithm used. Theorecitally there's no restriction on keypoints coordiantes, we can use kepyoints on I1, I2 or any I(t) with a(t) within the rnage of[0,1]. But in practise, we decided to use the "mid-image" to genearete the triangular mesh (i.e. use keypoints on I(t)=0.5xI1+0.5xI2).
This gives us a set of "correspondence triangles." For each pair of correspondence triangles, we can compute an affine transformation matrix A such that [p1',p2',p3'] = A*[[p1,p2,p3],[1,1,1]], where p1,p2,p3 are the coordinates of the correspondence keypoints as 2x1 column vectors. Note that on the right side of the equation, "[[p1,p2,p3],[1,1,1]]" represents the homogeneous coordinates of the keypoints. Therefor A is a 2x3 matrix. This can be compactly written as P' = AxP, and A can be solved as A = P' x inverse(P).
Rather than computing A as P'=AxP, we can also compute it as P=A'xP', which is known as the inverse transofrmation. For image at time t (denoted as I(t)), if we want to find the corresponding coordinates of a pixel/point in "correspondence triangle", we can use this inverse transfomration to obtian the coordiante in the source image (in our case, I1 or I2).
In this implementaion, we use the "correspondence triangles", the
transformation matrix and
to obtain the correspondign pxiel coordiantes.
The final step to complete the morphing process is cross-dissolving. At time t, using the keypoints and the (inverse) transofmraiton matrix, we can determine the corresponding pixel in images I1 and I2 for each pixel of I(t). Now we simply perform a weighted average of the pixel color, whcih should be straightforward.
To perform face morphing, we need to obtain several pairs of correspondence points from the
images we want to operate on. For this purpose, an annotation tool was developed. The output of
the annotation tool is a Python built-in dictionary, where the key is a unique ID, and the value
is a custom class object (Correspondence). This data structure is then saved as a
file. When used for morphing, the data structure is converted into two lists
containing the keypoints' coordinates (e.g., [[x1, y1], [x2, y2], ...] or [[col1, row1], [col2,
row2], ...]).
An interactive warping tool was developed using morphing and warping techniques. It allows users to add and edit keypoints, as well as drag the keypoints to warp the image.